by Mammutartists | Oct 30, 2020 | News
The musical language is the language of love and feelings. Love means faith. Faith in mankind and that we are determined to be humans. Our journey is an ongoing learning process, which is unbearable without culture and music. Please enjoy my new series ,,Last Minute”....
by Mammutartists | Oct 30, 2020 | News
„Roadshow in viola key” – cultural roadshow featuring the greatest pieces of the viola literature. The goal of the series is not only to propagate classical music and the viola, but also to introduce the everyday life and thoughts to the audience. In the first...
by Mammutartists | Oct 30, 2020 | News
Online, Papageno Peter Lukacs viola Performing: Hindemith: Viola Sonate Op. 25. Nr.1 Pál Lukács, the Kossuth-Prize winning violist, the founder of the viola department in the Hungarian Academy of Music, would celebrate his 100th birth anniversary. His uncle, Péter...
by Mammutartists | Oct 30, 2020 | News
Óbudai Társaskör A musical bonbon for the curious audience. A short extract will be played and then the music lovers should find out which piece is going to be performed. Péter Lukács viola, Tamás Kereskedő piano
by Mammutartists | Oct 30, 2020 | News
Nádor Hall Maria Fomina violin, Peter Lukacs viola Performing: Mozart: Duo N. 1 in G Major K 423 Martinu: 3 Madrigals for Violin and Viola H. 313 Handel-Halvorsen: Passacaglia